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Getting Started with the CIT

This video provides an overview of the Configuration Installation & Troubleshooting (CIT) software, emphasizing its functions for setting up systems, accessing meter data, and monitoring network connections, along with the maintenance of a site list.

"Tehama's configuration installation and troubleshooting software also known as the CIT or SIT is used to set up a system as well as access meter data and monitor network connections. It also maintains the site list which contains access information on all the sites or properties under management. This video will focus primarily on the cit. Other videos are available which explore our mobile and web applications to download the Windows based CIT software. Follow the instructions on the label contained in the DCA packaging contact support at Tehama wireless dot com and ask for the link. If the packaging has been discarded. The first time you run the C I, you will be asked to create an account by creating a user name and password. Please record the credentials you create as these are used on the mobile and web apps. If you belong to a company that already uses Tehama, you may have already received login credentials from the Tehama administrator within your organization. If not, please inquire about this before creating a new account. This will ensure you have access to all the properties which your company is responsible for. Upon starting the cit the site list view is shown. If you are new to the cit, your site list will be empty. The site list view is where you see the list of all the properties you likely have access to. Along with some information about them. Site entries can be added, edited or deleted. Adding a site requires the access code which can be found on the Decca label or on the box. It came in, enter the access code in the AC field and click save to connect to a site. Select it in the list and click the connect button. If you have the permissions to access the site, the cit will connect and show you the site summary screen and some information about the site along the left side. Now that we have connected to a site, let's get familiar with the various areas of the cit starting on the upper left. You will see our menu, an icon bar which provide the main commands available in the program such as saving configuration data and retrieving monitor data for a specified time period below the icon section on the left, you will see the commission section which identifies the number of repeaters and transceivers commissioned and seen by the DAP commission devices are those that have been associated with an apartment or location. The commission section provides a good overview of the health of the network. Below. The commission section is the network tree and a filter section. The network tree represents the communication links from MDT S through repeaters. And finally, to the DAP, it can be a powerful tool for troubleshooting especially the repeater network. The filter has four options default will show the network tree of everything that is commissioned and checking in the other options are useful. If you need to perform specific tasks, if you are commissioning devices, selecting un commissioned units will show everything the DAP is hearing but has not yet been commissioned. For troubleshooting repeaters will show just the repeaters commissioned or uncommon. While missing units will show transceivers that have been commissioned but are not sending data to the right of the network tree is the main workspace. There are three buttons along the top separated by the connect disconnect button. These represent the three main areas of the cit most features in the sightless section are disabled when you are connected to a site as we are now the configuration button selects the section where data is input into the DAP and is split into three blue sub tabs. You must be connected to a site to see valid data on this page. When you first connect to a site, this is the initial screen. You will see the site sub tab is to enter system wide configuration data such as the DCA name and property location, daily report and alert recipients and more. The device sub tab is where the location data is entered. For example, the building and apartment identifications. Other columns include node id and location notes. The latter being useful for repeaters which generally should not be placed inside of apartments. The meter sub tab is where you enter meter information such as the utility type and measurement units, the count factor, initial meter read and more finally, the data button displays the data generated by the system including MDT meter readings, network information and device battery voltages. Among other data. These taps are colored orange. The meter reading sub tab is preconfigured to show all meter reading data. The troubleshooting data sub tab is preconfigured to show data such as link quality battery voltage and time since last contact to aid with troubleshooting. Finally, the custom view tab is where columns can be configured to fit your needs, right? Click on the column headings and select set custom view to select what data will be displayed. When viewing information in the data tabs, you are seeing data that the cit downloaded from the DAP when you were connected to the site. The default is the last 12 hours. When you first connect to a site to observe utility consumption over the course of an entire month. For example, or to get more troubleshooting data, you can download any time frame of data. You wish going back six months or longer on small sites, use the black down arrow button to bring up a start and end calendar view, select the data ranges you are interested in or use the convenient drop down to preset the range to the last week or month, et cetera. In all the grid displays we have introduced here, you can sort the data on any column by clicking the column header, click a second time to reverse the sort order. This is handy to see the excess of utility consumers or troubleshooting link qualities or battery voltages. If you wish to see a time series graph of data, you can click within the specific self to bring up a graph of the date. Other features of the cit include a text filtering box to limit what you see or the grid filtering tab below to limit the display to just units in building B. For example, one final tip for the cit try right, clicking your mouse over various areas, many features are exposed this way such as labeling the network tree or Decommissioning an MDT. This concludes a review of getting started with the cit. To learn more about the cit. Please reference a closer look at the cit video available in the resources section of the Tehama Wireless website."