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AN-104: Using Custom Reports

Tehama Daily Report Generator

A feature of the Tehama Wireless system is the ability to send out a daily report files with information about the meter reads, optional sensor values, and RF network health statistics. The report files can be delivered via email or directly to your FTP site. Tehama provides four standard report options which are described here. If you want to use FTP/SFTP please contact Tehama to set that up for you. Generator scripts are selected from our CIT or Web application from a list that includes our standard generators plus any customized generators Tehama has created for you.


Tehama also publishes an API you can use to pull your data rather than use the Tehama system to push the data to you. Refer to the API App Note for details.

This document covers the format and installation of the Tehama ReportGen system.


Report Formats

Tehama supports two standard formats named Tehama Standard and Tehama Standard-ALL, both available in an end-of-day version (one reading per meter per day) and an interval data version which includes ALL readings received in the prior 24 hours (usually 24 readings per meter). The report files are formatted and sent as a Comma Separated Values file (CSV), which is easily imported into Excel or other spreadsheet programs, or can be parsed automatically by your back-end data processing center.


The Tehama Standard is formatted as shown in Table 1. Most of the columns are what you would see in our CIT or Web app, combining readings data with some of the troubleshooting data. The Reading column is usually a 2 decimal float. The RSSI and LQ (Link Quality) columns are integer values normalized between 0 to 100. Battery Voltage is a 1 decimal float value. The Link Partner is the Repeater or DCAP that device is directly communicating with.



Table 1: Tehama Standard Columns


Tehama Standard-ALL Report Format

The Tehama Standard-ALL version includes ALL the data associated with a meter point. Starting with the Standard set of columns, it adds NodeID, SensorID, MeterSN, MeterStyle, MeterType, MeterNote, Count Factor, and IMR (Initial Meter Read). An example is shown in Table 2. All these extra columns except the SensorID represents data entered by installers to further describe the utility being monitored. Having some of this data in the daily report can minimize confusion, most importantly the count factor. The SensorID is used to identify the type of data, for example 81 is the primary pulse input while 82 would be the second Pulse input of a dual Pulse MDT. The full list of SensorIDs are available on our website.



Table 2: Tehama Standard Columns

Email or FTP

The daily report can be sent by email or sent to your private FTP server. For those using FTP you have the option of sending the CSV file to both if you want or sending just the CSV file via FTP but a summary report to your email, or no email at all.

The email summary contains four parts:

  • List of units that have not reported in over the last 24 hours
  • List of Alerts that are active
  • Information about the DCAP including version information that Tehama Support might need
  • The definitions of the status codes that appear in the CSV file.


The following is a sample status summary:

Daily Report from CloudGen version Standard

*** MDT(s) silent over the last 24 hours:
RadioID        Building        Apartment        Location Note
83D1CB66        1        6298        Water Heater

***The following Alerts are active:
RadioID        Building        Apartment        Monitor Point        Sensor Type        Alert Type        Value
81C01CDA        2        5555        3        MDT_Battery        Min_Threshold_Alert        2.146 Volts

*** DCAP Information:
WAMLogger2.02b        6557        f4000515        Base_Main207K        2010        81

***Status Code Definitions
OK - Indicates the transmitter or Repeater is operating correctly.
I - Indicates the MDT/Repeater has not been heard from in the last 24 hrs.

Special Reads Values:
-1 => Indicates an Encoded or modbus meter that is Disconnected.
-2 => Indicates an ECO - Encoded meter that is malfunctioning.


Report Generator Selection

After working with Tehama Wireless on a custom generator for your company, we will install it on one of your Sites for testing. This will then make it available to every Site in your Site List, assuming you have claimed the site or otherwise have permission to access it such as with a Grant.


Using the CIT

After connecting to a Site, the initial view is the Site Configuration area. In the Daily Report Configuration area, click on the Select Report Generator button to bring up the Selector window. Click on the drop down for Currently Available Report Generators to get a list. Choose one.


report generator selector


You can also select the time of day the report is sent to you.

You can verify the report is working by selecting the “Send Report Now” button. This will send the Email and/or CSV file to the expected location. Make sure you have an email address entered in the Daily Report Email Configuration space if you expect the report to be sent by email.


The Historical button brings up a calendar window from which you can select a range of dates to generate multiple CSV and/or email with the historical data. Make sure your selected report generator is working as expected before issuing a lot of historical reports.

Then click the “Save Report Generator to Site” button.


If you want to add/edit/delete an email address, right click in the white space and select the option you want.


daily report email configuration



You can also select the time of day the report is sent to you.

You can verify the report is working by selecting the “Send Report Now” button. This will send the Email and/
or CSV file to the expected location. Make sure you have an email address entered in the Daily Report Email
Configuration space if you expect the report to be sent by email.

The Historical button brings up a calendar window from which you can select a range of dates to generate
multiple CSV and/or email with the historical data. Make sure your selected report generator is working as
expected before issuing a lot of historical reports.



Using the Web App

After connecting to a Site you will be in the Site Overview tab. In the Lower left is the daily report configuration. Click Edit to update report time, email recipients, and the generator used, selected from a drop-down list. You can also select Send Now and Historical from here.

daily report time