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Tackling High Water Bills in Restaurant Settings with Advanced Submetering

Written by Tehama Wireless | Jul 09 2024

High water usage is a significant issue for many restaurant environments, including fast food outlets, cafeterias, and full-service restaurants. These establishments often use large quantities of water due to their operational needs, which can lead to substantial utility bills and other challenges.

High Water Usage Scenarios

Restaurants consume substantial amounts of water due to various activities such as cooking, cleaning, and dishwashing. Fast food outlets have continuous cooking and cleaning processes, with fryers, soda fountains, and ice machines contributing to water consumption. Full-service restaurants, with commercial-grade dishwashers, frequent cleaning, and extensive food preparation, can use around 5,800 to 7,000 gallons of water per day! Large cafeterias and buffets also require significant water for food preparation and cleaning, especially during peak meal times. This high water usage has several implications:

  • Cost: High water usage directly translates to higher utility bills, affecting the profitability of the business.
  • Resource Management: Efficient water management becomes crucial to reduce waste and manage costs effectively.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Businesses must comply with local water usage regulations to avoid penalties and fines.

Technological Solutions

To manage these challenges, businesses can leverage advanced submetering technologies such as smart meters.

Smart Meters

Smart meters provide real-time data on water usage, allowing businesses to monitor and optimize their consumption patterns instantly. These meters are equipped with communication capabilities that transmit usage data to a centralized system, providing valuable insights into water usage trends and anomalies. With this data, restaurant managers can:

  • Detect Leaks Early: Immediate alerts for unusual water usage can help pinpoint leaks or inefficient practices, reducing wastage and costs.
  • Optimize Water Usage: Detailed analytics enable restaurants to adjust their operations to be more water-efficient, such as scheduling dishwashing during off-peak hours.
  • Enhance Billing Accuracy: Avoids disputes by providing accurate, time-stamped data on water consumption.

Encoder vs. Pulse Meters

Selecting the right submetering technology is crucial, and understanding the differences between encoder and pulse meters can help make an informed decision. Pulse meters generate a pulse signal for a specific volume of water passing through the meter. They are generally cheaper but can be less accurate due to potential missed pulses and backflow issues. On the other hand, encoder meters provide the full reading of the exact usage, offering higher accuracy and reliability. They can detect disconnections and provide more detailed usage data. 

For more information on choosing the right submetering technology, read our detailed post, "Understanding Pulse and Encoded Meters for Accurate Utility Readings."

Advantages of Encoder Meters

Encoder meters are particularly advantageous due to their accuracy, providing a true read of water usage and reducing billing discrepancies. They are less prone to errors compared to pulse meters, ensuring consistent and accurate data. Additionally, encoder meters can provide feedback on disconnections, helping to quickly identify and resolve issues.


Restaurant submetering presents unique challenges, but with the right technological solutions, businesses can effectively manage their utility usage. Understanding the specific needs of restaurant environments, such as high water usage scenarios, and leveraging advanced technologies like smart meters and encoder meters can lead to more efficient and cost-effective utility management. By addressing these challenges head-on, restaurant businesses can ensure they are operating efficiently and in compliance with regulatory requirements.

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