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Harness the Power of Runtime Devices for Accurate Utility Monitoring

Written by Tehama Wireless | Jun 19 2024

In the realm of utility management, accurately measuring consumption is crucial for both residential and commercial properties. One innovative solution that has gained traction is the use of runtime devices. These devices offer a practical and efficient way to monitor gas and usage, especially in scenarios where traditional meters may not be feasible. In this blog post, we'll delve into what runtime devices are, their applications, the differences between 24-volt runtime and regular runtime devices, and their specific use cases in older buildings and heating systems.

What Are Runtime Devices?

Runtime devices are specialized tools used to measure the duration for which an appliance, such as a furnace, boiler, or water heater, is operational. Instead of directly measuring the volume of gas consumed, these devices track the operational time of the appliance. By knowing the appliance's consumption rate (measured in BTUs), the total usage can be calculated based on the runtime.

How Do Runtime Devices Work?

Runtime devices function by monitoring the electrical circuit that controls the appliance. When the appliance is turned on, the circuit is closed, and the runtime device starts tracking the duration. Conversely, when the appliance is turned off, the circuit opens, and the device stops tracking. This method provides an indirect but accurate measure of gas.

Differences Between 24-Volt Runtime and Regular Runtime Devices

There are two primary types of runtime devices: 24-volt runtime devices and regular runtime devices. Understanding the differences between these two can help in selecting the right device for specific applications.

24-Volt Runtime Devices

24-volt runtime devices are typically used in conjunction with solenoids or other control mechanisms that operate on a 24-volt circuit. These devices are often found in more complex heating systems where precise control and monitoring are required. They are particularly useful in systems where the appliance is part of a larger network of interconnected devices.

Regular Runtime Devices

Regular runtime devices, on the other hand, are simpler and are used to monitor standard on/off circuits. These devices are suitable for straightforward applications where the appliance operates independently. They are easier to install and are often used in less complex systems.

Use Cases in Older Buildings and Heating Systems

Runtime devices are especially beneficial in older buildings that utilize heating systems where traditional meters may not be practical or cost-effective. Here are some specific use cases:

Older Buildings

In many older buildings, the plumbing and electrical systems may not support the installation of modern meters. Runtime devices offer a non-invasive solution that can be retrofitted into existing systems without significant modifications. This makes them ideal for historic buildings or properties undergoing renovation.

Heating Systems

In regions with older heating systems, such as those found in the northeastern United States (e.g., Philadelphia, New York, Boston), runtime devices can provide an efficient way to monitor usage. These systems often lack the infrastructure to support direct metering, making runtime devices a practical alternative.

Cost-Effective Monitoring

For property managers and owners, runtime devices offer a cost-effective way to monitor consumption without the need for expensive upgrades. By accurately tracking the operational time of appliances, these devices help in billing tenants fairly and managing energy costs effectively.


Runtime devices for gas consumption provide a versatile and efficient solution for monitoring usage in older buildings and complex heating systems. By understanding the differences between 24-volt and regular runtime devices, property managers can choose the right tool for their needs. These devices are practical for retrofitting historic buildings and managing modern systems, ensuring accurate utility billing and reduced maintenance costs. For more information on how runtime devices can benefit your property, contact us or explore our utility management solutions.

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