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Effective Use of AMR Systems in Different Property Types

Written by Tehama Wireless | Sep 18 2024


Automated Meter Reading (AMR) systems have become essential tools in modern property management, helping to streamline the process of utility management. By harnessing the power of technology, AMR systems enable property managers to read utility meters remotely, offering significant improvements in efficiency and accuracy. This blog post aims to explore how AMR systems can be customized for various property types—such as multifamily units, retail properties, and mobile home parks—to maximize their effectiveness.

Customizing AMR Systems for Different Environments

Multifamily Units

Challenges: Multifamily properties face unique challenges such as high density, the physical location of meters within units, and potential signal interference caused by building materials, particularly in areas like Florida where structures are designed to withstand hurricanes. The reliability of compact devices for recording and transmitting usage data is critical in these scenarios.

Solutions: To address these challenges, the use of repeaters can help improve signal strength and ensure reliable data transmission. Proper planning for meter placement should be based on the existing plumbing infrastructure to facilitate accurate data collection. Additionally, employing robust data collection methods and utilizing compact devices designed for varying environments can enhance overall system reliability.

Benefits: The implementation of AMR systems in multifamily units leads to several advantages: accurate meter usage reporting, reduced disputes between tenants and management, and enhanced overall tenant satisfaction.

For more insights, refer to "7 Essential Tips for Choosing a Water Utility Submetering Solution."

Retail Properties

Challenges: Retail properties often experience diverse utility needs due to high foot traffic and complex layouts, which can complicate traditional utility management practices. Additionally, limited access to indoor utility rooms can hinder the deployment of conventional repeaters, impacting signal reliability.

Solutions: To address these challenges, utilizing solar-powered repeaters can provide a significant advantage, allowing for the deployment of submetering systems in locations where traditional methods might not be feasible. These outdoor-rated solar repeaters can be installed on building exteriors, increasing signal range without the need for additional power sources. Furthermore, implementing a solar-powered DCAP with cellular communication enhances data transmission capabilities, ensuring dependable performance and timely responses to utility demands.

Benefits: By adopting AMR systems, retail properties can achieve improved utility management, significant cost savings, and better resource allocation tailored to their specific needs.

For further reading, see "Tackling High Water Bills in Retail Settings with Advanced Submetering."

Mobile Home Parks

Challenges: Mobile home parks present unique challenges, including the need for wide area coverage due to dispersed layouts and varying infrastructure quality. The absence of dedicated utility rooms often complicates traditional utility management. Additionally, environmental factors must be considered, as they can impact the reliability and efficiency of utility systems, necessitating solutions that are both durable and adaptable.

Solutions: Employing submersible transmitters for outdoor meter applications including  temperature sensors to prevent pipe freezing, and utilizing solar-powered solutions ensures effective management of utilities across expansive areas.

Benefits: The successful implementation of AMR systems in mobile home parks leads to increased reliability and proactive issue detection, resulting in significant cost savings through reduced maintenance expenses. Enhanced monitoring capabilities allow for early identification of potential problems, minimizing disruptions and repair costs. Ultimately, these improvements not only elevate the quality of service for residents but also contribute to more efficient management of resources across the community.

For further insights, refer to “Embracing Efficiency: The Rise of Submetering Systems in Water Conservation and Cost Management.”

Case Studies and Success Stories

Guardian: Enhancing Mobile Home Park Submetering

Guardian provides submetering solutions for nearly 200,000 units, primarily in mobile home parks and townhouses. They faced challenges with their previous submetering technology, which was not designed for outdoor environments and suffered from weather-related downtime. After implementing Tehama’s rugged outdoor-rated submeters, Guardian saw significant improvements in performance and tenant satisfaction.

Key Takeaways: The transition to Tehama’s robust submetering technology enhanced operational efficiency by reducing downtime and maintenance costs, while real-time updates helped in immediate troubleshooting, thus fostering greater tenant trust and satisfaction.

Kimco: Revolutionizing Water Billing for Retail Properties

Kimco Realty Corporation manages over 400 retail properties and previously struggled with inconsistent water billing based on square footage estimates, resulting in tenant disputes. After integrating Tehama's submetering systems, Kimco reported a substantial reduction in disputes and an increase in accuracy. The installation of over 5,500 submeters allowed for billing based on actual water consumption.

Key Takeaways: The adoption of precise metering transformed Kimco's water billing approach, demonstrating the effectiveness of using accurate data to foster tenant relationships and streamline operational processes.

Fair Energy: Customized Solutions for Utility Management

Fair Energy faced challenges regarding the reliability of their utility data. By implementing Tehama’s sophisticated submetering technology, they transitioned from daily readouts to hourly data collection, which improved accuracy in billing and enabled quicker troubleshooting.

Key Takeaways: The partnership with Tehama provided Fair Energy with the capability to detect leaks early, avoiding significant issues while enhancing operational reliability and customer service through tailored technology solutions.

Tips for Property Managers on Maximizing System Efficiency

Regular Maintenance: Use the Tehama Wireless web app to monitor for routine maintenance for AMR systems. The app provides easy access to diagnostics, allowing property managers to identify potential issues before they escalate.

Data Analysis: Leverage the reporting features of the Tehama web app to analyze water usage data. Customizable reports can help managers spot trends, such as excessive usage or unexpected drops, enabling proactive management of water resources.

Staff Training: Organize training sessions centered around the web app. Ensure staff understand how to utilize its features for monitoring real-time data, managing alerts, and responding to any system notifications effectively.

Site Management Integration: Use the web app’s site management capabilities for comprehensive oversight. The app allows property managers to add new sites easily, handle user permissions, and monitor site health.

Proactive Measures: Implement the alert system found in the web app for critical notifications concerning slow leaks, no usage alerts, or other smart alerts generated by the metering devices. This proactive approach can lead to timely repairs and maintenance, ultimately preventing larger issues and costs.


In summary, customizing AMR systems for different property types can yield substantial benefits, including improved efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced tenant satisfaction. Property managers should seriously consider implementing or upgrading their AMR systems to fully leverage these advantages in their utility management practices.

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