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7 Essential Tips for Choosing a Water Utility Submetering Solution

Written by Tehama Wireless | Mar 25 2024

Choosing the right water submetering solution is a critical decision for property owners and managers looking to optimize utility expenses, ensure accurate billing and enhance sustainability practices. Whether you're managing a residential complex, a commercial property or an industrial site, these tips will help you make an informed and strategic decision in your water submetering journey. 

  1. Evaluate Your Property's Water Usage: Are you spending far more than you think you should be on water?  Is there a lot of common area usage such as landscaping compared to tenant usage?  Dial in your actual costs vs what tenants use and can be billed for.
  2. Installation Environment: Select a submeter suitable for the installation environment. Outdoor submeters require a waterproof rating like IP-68 to withstand weather, while indoor submeters might require vertical installation which some meters are not designed to handle.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure the submeter complies with local and regional regulations, including specific requirements like California's mandate for testing each meter at a designated facility before installation. Additionally, verify it meets relevant industry standards and certifications for quality and accuracy.
  4. Ease of Installation: Factor in the ease and cost of installation. Systems that can be easily installed or retrofitted into existing structures can offer savings in time and labor costs.  New Clamp-on style meters can significantly save on labor costs. 
  5. Advanced Features: Look for modern features like leak detection and burst pipe alerts. These capabilities allow for better control over water usage and can prevent costly repairs.
  6. Billing and Data Management Integration: Ensure the Automated Meter Reading (AMR) system integrates seamlessly with your existing billing and data management systems for accurate billing and efficient water usage management.
  7. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Weigh the initial cost against potential long-term savings. Systems that offer higher upfront costs might provide greater efficiency and savings in the long run.

Each tip provides a detailed aspect to consider, ensuring a comprehensive approach to selecting a water submetering solution that fits your specific needs.