Learn more about our submetering technology and AMR solutions

Tehama - How it works


How Can Tehama Help You?
Tehama's cutting-edge submetering solutions provide precise utility monitoring and management across various properties, including multi-family apartment complexes, mobile home parks, manufactured homes, commercial/retail properties, campus facilities, homeowners associations, and landscaping applications. By offering detailed insights into individual and communal energy and water consumption, Tehama empowers property owners and managers to implement fair and accurate billing, reducing disputes and promoting responsible resource usage. This transparency encourages residents and tenants to conserve energy and water, leading to significant cost savings and enhanced property value.
Moreover, Tehama's automatic meter reading (AMR) technology streamlines utility management processes, helping administrators and property managers identify inefficiencies and implement targeted energy-saving measures. Whether optimizing water use in landscaping or ensuring equitable utility cost distribution in residential communities, Tehama's submetering solutions foster sustainability and financial stability. By adopting Tehama's submetering systems, property managers can achieve greater operational efficiency, comply with regulatory requirements, and contribute positively to environmental conservation, creating a win-win situation for all stakeholders.
construction site with advanced submetering systems

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